Sequences of partial reductions in Elm

In my previous article I derived the calculation for passive income from invested assets and demonstrated a small calculator. It struck me that there was a slight delay in the case of high annual numbers. The cause of the delay lies in my implementation of the formula $$ \sum_{k = 1}^{m-1} \frac {1} {\prod_ {t = 1} ^ {k} w_t}. $$ As described in more detail in the article mentioned above, $ w_t $ denotes the relative market value in the month $ t $ and $ m $ the total number of months. ...

June 1, 2021

First steps towards dynamic web apps in Elm

Some time ago I was able to listen to the episode We’re Teaching Functional Programming Wrong of the podcast Corecursive. Richard Feldman tells of a purely functional language with which you can actually create dynamic web pages. It is not even necessary to understand what a Monad is. Since I consider object-oriented programming to be overrated*The talk [Free your Functions]( by Klaus Iglberger highlights some practical aspects my point of view., I had a closer look at this approach. In this post I will report on my first steps, hurdles and progress in Elm and focus on aspects that were unfamiliar to me having an imperative background. ...

April 19, 2021