Monads are Omnipresent in Rust

Monads, as they occur in functional programming, seem crazy and difficult to understand to me. Above all explanations and references to the mathematical subfield of category theory are confusing to me. In this post, I’m trying to explain a concept that I haven’t penetrated very deeply myself, in an introductory, application-oriented and superficial way, so that you can become the head nerd at the next party of imperative nerds. This is a translation of the original German article in a collaboration between man and machine. ...

December 15, 2023

Sequences of partial reductions in Elm

In my previous article I derived the calculation for passive income from invested assets and demonstrated a small calculator. It struck me that there was a slight delay in the case of high annual numbers. The cause of the delay lies in my implementation of the formula $$ \sum_{k = 1}^{m-1} \frac {1} {\prod_ {t = 1} ^ {k} w_t}. $$ As described in more detail in the article mentioned above, $ w_t $ denotes the relative market value in the month $ t $ and $ m $ the total number of months. ...

June 1, 2021

First steps towards dynamic web apps in Elm

Some time ago I was able to listen to the episode We’re Teaching Functional Programming Wrong of the podcast Corecursive. Richard Feldman tells of a purely functional language with which you can actually create dynamic web pages. It is not even necessary to understand what a Monad is. Since I consider object-oriented programming to be overrated*The talk [Free your Functions]( by Klaus Iglberger highlights some practical aspects my point of view., I had a closer look at this approach. In this post I will report on my first steps, hurdles and progress in Elm and focus on aspects that were unfamiliar to me having an imperative background. ...

April 19, 2021